Education Hub:
Education FAQs & Resources
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GDWCAR Virtual Education Requirements
You can learn more about our virtual education requirements through the video tutorial below:
How to find my Continuing Education records?
You can find your education records on the Texas Real Estate Commission's website, by searching by your name or license number.
I took a GRI course, but it is not appearing in my CE. How does it get processed?
GRI classes operate differently than regular CE courses. They are considered “qualifying courses“ and require that participants remit their certificate of completion to the commission when they are ready to receive credit for the class.
Participants receive certificates of completion from Texas REALTORS via email and they can send a PDF copy to If you don’t have the email you can retrieve their certificate from the link below.
Will My Zoom Course work on Mac?
Yes! You can use and access Zoom from any major OS (Windows or Mac). Remember: on Mac, it's the Cmd key, not the Ctrl key.
How do I make the text bigger?
On Windows, press Ctrl and + to zoom in/enlarge the screen. Ctrl and - to zoom out/decrease the screen size.
On Mac, it's Cmd and + and Cmd and -, respectively.
What is a Fast Pass and how do I obtain one?
A Fast Pass is a web-based form of identification provided through Texas REALTORS® that can be used at the board office for CE as an alternative to a drivers license. Once set up, the Fast Pass includes your name, photo, NRDS ID, and TREC license number that you can easily access online through your Texas REALTORS® profile.