Become a Member

As a REALTOR®, you understand the cost of doing business and the joys associated with helping others achieve their dreams.
Greater Denton/Wise County Association of REALTORS® (GDWCAR) understands your needs and business requirements and we want to thank you for becoming a member of a thriving organization with the goal of member success!
Join our family of over 1,300 professionals spread across 3 counties (Denton, Wise, and Montague counties) advocating for homeownership and developing careers in their communities.
Ready to Join?
Click "Join Now" if you're a REALTOR®, Broker, or Appraiser.
"Affiliate Membership" is if you want to join as an Affiliate.
Need MLS Only Membership?
If you are an Agent with Primary REALTOR Membership at another Association and your Broker holds MLS services through GDWCAR and need MLS services only.
How Does It Work?
a completed application and wait for a call from our Membership staff
the appropriate membership fees
the NAR Code of Ethics training (New Agents Only)
the New Agent Orientation within 90 days of membership (New Agents Only)
Get Involved
with the Association through events, education, and committees
Take Advantage
of all the benefits offered to you as part of your membership dues
Benefits of Membership
Getting the most out of your Greater Denton/Wise County Association of REALTORS® membership starts with understanding your benefits, where to use them, and how often they’re available. You are eligible to receive benefits from us locally, through Texas REALTORS®, and through the National Association of REALTORS®.
Transferring? Please note the following:
- A Letter of Good Standing will need to be obtained from your former Association.
This letter must verify that you have paid your Texas REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS® dues for the current year. It must also list the date on which you attended the New Agent Orientation and the NAR Code of Ethics training. - If you have not previously attended a REALTOR® orientation, you must attend one within 90 days of joining GDWCAR.
- You must terminate your Supra key service with your former Association before it can be activated at GDWCAR.